I don't know where to start. So, I'm just going to start typing and see where my fingertips lead me...
I'm hesitant to be too detailed in these posts. I will do my best to avoid sharing unimportant details. My more in-depth feelings will probably be expressed later on in separate posts. I just wanted to share a brief overview of what happened so people know where I'm coming from...
We finally
felt at a place in our lives to be able to take the leap to try having another
baby. Our son was already almost 6 years old. We were ready for our family to
grow and for our son to have a sibling. We finally had a better grasp on how to
best raise our child diagnosed with autism and the need for extensive therapies
was subsiding due to how much he has progressed, allowing us to pursue another
pregnancy and all that comes with it. I had Hyperemesis Gravidarum (severe
morning sickness) during my first pregnancy so we had to be prepared for the
down-time that I would need if a future pregnancy was as bad as my first.
After a positive pregnancy test, we
eventually announced we were expecting our baby, due in the beginning of March
I experienced intense
"morning" sickness for a majority of my pregnancy, throwing up an
average of 3-6 times per day, with steady nausea, from late-July thru October.
For the remainder of my pregnancy, I only threw up about 1-2 times per day.
That all sounds miserable, and it was, but it could have been worse and I was
very motivated. I didn't ever take any anti-nausea medicine because they didn't
help much during my last pregnancy (including a traumatizing allergic reaction
to Reglan) and I didn't want to risk any bad side effects on me or the baby. For
the most part, I worked hard to force myself to eat and to keep everything
under control. I only had one UTI which we caught quickly and I never needed to
go to the hospital to be treated for dehydration. I was much more prepared for
everything the second time around, compared to my first pregnancy.
We found out the gender on October
21st, 2014. I made Nick think the ultrasound wasn't happening until later in
the week and I surprised him and Eli with a PINK cake. It was a GIRL! We could
hardly believe it but we were beyond excited!
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